Tag: Super Smash Flash

Super Smash Flash 3 – Game News & Release Date

Super Smash Flash 3I don’t really like to disappoint people, but I have to be honest with you guys, Super Smash Flash 3 doesn’t exist yet! There you go, honest and simple truth right there, however it is pretty much possible that there will be one. You may ask why, answer is obvious – current version of the game is extremely popular and high rated among gamers, this is why I think that developers will release new version of the game.

At the moment SSF2 is the latest version of the game, it gets updates very often, developers add some new stuff, like for example: new characters, new maps, new gaming modes as well as new improvements and bug fixes, but it can’t continue forever, sooner or later they will have to release new version of the game with new engine core, with new graphics and things like that and when they will finish it I will gladly notify you about this release and I will add it on my blog for you to play it online.

Now since release of Super Smash Flash 3 is matter of time how do you think what it will be like? Rumors say that there will be both flash version as well as install version of the game, it will have multiplayer option and gamers will be able to play with each other from different parts of the world. Game like getaway shootout will have decent achievement system, different interesting modes which will include interactive scenarios and interesting objectives. I think McLeodGaming will import those features from popular online games, why not? Just imagine new SSF3 with all those amazing graphic improvements, with all those new famous characters, achievements, multiplayer mode and tons of new features, it will be endless fun and thrill for us.

improved graphicsOf course I can’t give you exact date (in fact no one can at the moment), but it is pretty much matter of time. I don’t see any reason why they won’t release new version of the game since previous two versions were extremely successful and popular. It is like in anime, when one season is successful there is like 99% chance that they will release another one, this is how things work here – in gaming industry.

Only thing what I wonder about as well as hope for is that SSF3 was free. Actually I don’t even mind to pay for install version of the game, but I still think that flash version should be free; this way McLeodGaming will attract more players. They may also include in the game skins and sell those skins and cosmetics items on market just like in Dota 2. It is smart marketing and I think developers should use it more often.

Anyway this is all what I wanted to tell you, I have shared with you my thoughts and it would be awesome if you shared yours with me in comments section below. Looking forward to your comments guys, hope we can figure out how things will turn out in new version of the game.